Guns and Christians?

After a recent president of his evangelical college told his students to arm themselves against Muslims the argument has once again heated up concerning gun control. 

But here’s a thought…regardless of governmental permissions what does scripture state about guns, or swords, or weapons, protection…etc?  

Is there a Biblical view for this?  It’s an important question to answer. We’re quick to jump on the fear bandwagon and demand rights for protection or on the flip side, to remove guns completely because of the recurring shootings.

I personally tend to fall into the blurred lines. That grey area.  I like guns, I don’t feel the need to have one. 

So if Im considering owning one maybe I should also include some theological insight in making an educated decision. 

I found this article intriguing.  Maybe you’ll agree or not, but certainly something to consider. 

This is such a hot topic that I sadly feel that very few can read this objectively. You will probably go into it with a defensive posture for you’re stance. But maybe, just this once, unload your viewpoint and see what the scriptures position is.

Check it out:

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